Sunday, September 21, 2008

I CAN'T Get Enough Of......FLOWERS!!!!

I LOVE Purple Cone flowers....what can I SAY!!! My first taste for them was in Georgia. When we landscaped our backyard there, the designer had them drawn in a couple of areas!!! The area by the deck was great!! The area on one of the outer edges of a bed, NOT SO!!! For some reason, Dakota and Shadow, loved to eat them. I was forever YELLING at them to STOP IT!!! So, this spring/summer, while at Lowe's, what did my cart run into but PURPLE CONE FLOWERS!!! I bought three just to see. I was smart this time. I planted them in the top bed in the front yard where the dogs cannot go!! I have been waiting patiently, not a strong suit for me, for them to bloom. I finally convinced myself that since it was the first year, they probably won't bloom. But, low and behold, I spotted PURPLE the other day. I was ecstatic!!! YAY!!! For me!!! And no dogs to snack, their little hearts out, on these babies!!!

1 comment:

Eileen said...

GREAT pics!!!