Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Oh My Goodness!!

Time flies when one is having fun!!! Or, should I say, live a busy life. End of school activities, Mom and Muffin day, Awards Night at Middle School, baseball practices and games.....the list goes on and on!!

End of school activities....Ebo...field day for 4th graders....as he said, "He so owned!!" on the races he was in and the blue ribbons prove it!!! Then there was "Play Day" for all of K-4th. Nice and hot for it.

Sawyer and Spencer's field day was more of a social event. GO figure!!! But they had fun!!! And yearbooks were signed.

Awards Night....Sawyer received achievement in basketball. WAY TO GO!!! Spencer was inducted into the National Juniors Honor Society. He was nominated by teachers and had to write an essay on "Helping the Community." He also received achievement in English and NJHS. We are so proud!!!

Baseball....practices and tournaments keep us hopping!!

Mom and Muffin Day with Ebo......blueberry muffins and Starbucks bottled Frapp.....Yummy. And strawberries too. And a very nice place mat and story to boot!!!

Dad and Doughnuts is this coming Friday!! Will update!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Summer Work Hours

(Taken at my mom's garden in ND~Summer 2007)
Well, I made it through the first week of summer hours at work. The days are long but the reward is grand!!! See, summer hours are for 11 weeks!!! Now, down to 10 weeks!!! Hours are Monday thru Thursday, 7:30 am ~ 6:00 pm with a 1/2 hour lunch. Long, huh??? But, the sweet thing is-I get FRIDAYS OFF!!!!!!!!!! I have all kinds of projects, household duties and naps planned but am not going to beat myself up if those things aren't completed. Ok, NAP is a must!!!! Let's see.....brush dogs really good (they are shedding up a storm), go thru ATTIC (it mocks me everytime I walk by), Ebo's room (company coming Tuesday nite), get new/used bookshelves from director's (from work) house (better take some Advil), put my clean clothes away(UGH!!!), start seedlings(remember to water), and let's see........oh yeah, send MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS(me bad)!!!!! I'll give you an update.....maybe!!!!!

Recognize anyone?

So, I received an email from Darla, a PTA mom and a baseball mom on Ebo's team, last night. She received this link for a seminar and as she was scrolling down.....HELLO, Abby and Ebo!!! LOL!!! Eileen, Hippie Girl, dear friend and secretary at work, is a picture freak!!! She has an IStock site and has been over to the house several times to take shots of the Hanson Five. If you are not familiar with IStock, here is her site http://www.istockphoto.com/file_search.php?action=file&userID=922890. She is a great photographer!!! So, keep an eye out!!! You may see us next up on a billboard-bahahahaha!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Friday, May 02, 2008

Sunday...rain and car wash???

Rain, Rain, Go Away.....S&S's baseball tourney canceled due to overnight rains so fields aren't playable!!! Knight's Car Wash still on!! Walmart was nice enough to let the Knights have the fund raiser in their parking lot. Car wash 11-4. Slow to start but when all said and done, 40+ vehicles washed, scrubbed and buffed. $1200 for the team. Not bad for 9/10 year olds!!! And of course, the sun comes out at 4:10.

Saturday....Soccer, Baseball, Baseball, Baseball and Baseball

Crazy describes how Saturday was for the boys and I. Sawyer and I are up and at em and out the door by 6:30 am. Way too early for a Saturday in my book. Sawyer has to be at Keller Middle by 6:50 to ride the bus, get this, two blocks to the High School for soccer tourney!! Our tax dollars at their best!!! Drop him off and head back home. Spencer up and ready to hitch ride with baseball teammate arriving at 8:30am. Ebo and I then get ourselves ready to head to soccer tourney. Drive thru McDonalds for breakfast for him and a hash brown and LARGE diet coke for me. Arrive at soccer game. My first game to watch. And watch, and watch. Soccer is a very long game. Sawyer played all but the last three minutes. He was exhausted!!! Ebo was bored silly!!! Game ended 4/4. Sign Sawyer out with coach so I can get him to baseball tourney 45 minutes away!!! First home to have Sawyer change out of soccer and into baseball uni and get Ebo's baseball stuff too. Drop Ebo off at teammates since his game is at 1 pm. Drop Ebo off!! Hit the highway and Sawyer takes a snooze. Arrive at baseball tourney at 11:45 am. Outlaws lose 6/2. I watch start of next game which is suppose to start at noon. They start late!!! I am to leave at 12:30 to get to Ebo's game which starts at 1 pm. I can't leave til I see both at bat. So I watch, and watch, and watch!! 1 pm leave for Ebo's game. Arrive Ebo's game at 2 pm. Dallas/Fort Worth traffic for ya. Knights battle but lose 9/8. Check on S&S's game....ended tied 4/4!!! Second game for Knights!!! It is a stressful game and lose 14/13. First and second loss for the Knights. Time now is 4:45 pm. Head home. S&S staying overnight at teammates....Ebo went with team to eat pizza and I head home to do laundry, straighten garage and pull weeds. Bed cannot come soon enough. More baseball tomorrow........first game 10:00 am.