Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Timeline Of 17 Years Ago

17 years ago, I lie asleep in my bed in Linglestown, PA.  Little did I know that Frick and Frack were ready to bust out of their cozy, little, scrammed living quarters.  I awoke around 2 or 3 am.  I'm forty now so I'm doing my best to recall the details.  I had this feeling of "gas."  I contributed it to the white chili I had for dinner.  Bear and I had gone out to eat with a sales dude the night before.  As I tossed and turned and getting no "relief", I woke Bear up around 6 am.  He called the hospital and they said to come in and have me checked since I was at 33 weeks.  At this point in my pregnancy, I hadn't had any false labor but just to be safe, they wanted me to come in. 

Bear showered and I got the "hospital" bag ready.  My bad for not having that sucker ready sooner!!!  FAIL!!  So by 7 am, we were on our way to the hospital.  Driving along the wakening world, Bear turns and says, "The furniture for the living room is to be delivered today!  I guess I better call the store when they open."  No kidding!!!  That was the last thing on my mind as my tummy contracted and I felt like I needed to pass gas! 

I don't recall actually getting checked into the hospital but do remember once in my shared room,
with the curtain separating me from the mommy to be next door.  My nurse strapped on two fetal monitor bands and we all watched the screen.  "Yes, dear, you are having contraction."  "Really?  I thought it was just gas!"  Soon the on call doctor from my OB/GYN group came in and that is when the "you know what" hit the fan with Bear! 

Dr. "Know It ALL" was spitting out stats of twins born at 33 weeks.  "How survival rates were this percent and birth defects that they could have."  Let's just say Bear was NOT too happy.  Thank goodness Dr. "Know It ALL's" shift was about to end. 

I was put on an IV and given a drug, one I can't spell, to stop the contractions.  As the contractions slowed my heartbeat sped up, this drug does that, Bear was making a call to my mom to get on a plane to PA.  My due date wasn't until November 3rd.  "Please get here in time!" was all I could think of.  I need my mommy.  The second call Bear made was to Kathy.  My sweet friend from church!  She appeared shortly after she had Ms. Rachel to school.  If your mommy can't be with you, Kathy is the rock you need. 

Stay tuned for more on the timeline of 17 years ago...........

31 weeks

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day Of School 2011



Frick and Frack


Frick, Frack and Smack

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Rockwall Weekend


Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Grapes in Texas


Tuesday, June 07, 2011



Monday, May 30, 2011

No More Monkeys Jumping On The Bed....Er....Skateboarding At The Park!

Sitting here typing this I asked myself, "Where did today go?" Oh, right.....dealing with Smack and his left broken arm.

Let's just say....Smack almost made it 13 years without a broken bone. And the skateboarding move that caused this left broken arm-FAIL!!

Urgent Care does live up to its name. One hour in and out the door. Now I must call the orthopedist first thing in the morning for an appointment.

Ah....the joys of boys!!!!




Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hail + Sirens = CLOSET

Here is how our Tuesday night went.  First, I am home and ready to watch/flip between DWTS and IDOL.  And then the season finale of GLEE.  Let's just say NONE of that happened!  Between checking the radar on my IPAD and weather reports on the TV, calling Frick and Frack to say, "Get to QT with the truck, hail is coming!", Smack is getting the vacuum out from under the stairs getting ready for the signal to get in the CLOSET.  Oh, forgot to mention, Smack had already brought Phoenix, the bearded dragon, down from his room.  Thank goodness for the portable cage. 

Bear is in Kansas and texting, "You watching the radar and where are Frick and Frack?"  Gave him the update and then the sky grew DARK, the wind was howling and then the sirens started.  Oooppss....forgot to shut the garage door.  Garage door now shut.  Smack and critter are in the closet in their spots.  I hand Ruger to Smack to hold.  Smack is talented!  He can cradle Ruger and watch the RADAR on the IPAD without blinking an eye.  Shadow nervously gets in closet and Dakota looks at me like, "YEAH RIGHT!!  LIKE WE ALL ARE GONNA FIT IN THERE?!"  I shove his BIG behind in the closet and shut the door.

From the glow of the IPAD, I obstacle course it to find a spot to sit.  It didn't take long to hear what sounded like bowling balls hitting the roof.  I am busy texting Nichol, Bear, neighbor Scott, Frick and Frack, and Tara.  It is becoming a sauna in the closet as the dogs are panting and are nervous.  Every ping of hail that hits the house, Dakota scratches at the door.  Smack and I hear the sirens for what seems like FOREVER and then they did stop, we could hear them still echoing in our ears. 

As you can see from the pictures below, it was nasty but we were safe.  THANK GOODNESS!  So, out go the dogs and Smack and I go and investigate.  Frick and Frack arrive home safe and with a full tank of gas!


Saturday, May 21, 2011


Take a look at this beast!! I know, it's a black thingy. But it's more than a black thingy. It's my new EXTERNAL DRIVE with all my pictures that were CORRUPTED/LOST....never ever to be found AGAIN....RESTORED!! My "hook-up"/awesome friend worked and worked and ran and ran program after program to no avail. I was so close to calling in someone to play "TAPS" as I would have to say goodbye to ALL my digital history and memories starting from 2004. But what to my amazement one day when my IM window popped up and a file was attached of a picture from long, long ago. I almost peed myself, well not really but you get the picture (ha..no pun intended!) Any way, I am over the moon and then some. Thanks awesome friend! You are a rock star!

Friday, May 20, 2011

New Knitting Bag!

"LOVE IT" is all I can SAY!!!

Flocked Again-2011


Wednesday, May 18, 2011