Thursday, May 15, 2008

Summer Work Hours

(Taken at my mom's garden in ND~Summer 2007)
Well, I made it through the first week of summer hours at work. The days are long but the reward is grand!!! See, summer hours are for 11 weeks!!! Now, down to 10 weeks!!! Hours are Monday thru Thursday, 7:30 am ~ 6:00 pm with a 1/2 hour lunch. Long, huh??? But, the sweet thing is-I get FRIDAYS OFF!!!!!!!!!! I have all kinds of projects, household duties and naps planned but am not going to beat myself up if those things aren't completed. Ok, NAP is a must!!!! Let's see.....brush dogs really good (they are shedding up a storm), go thru ATTIC (it mocks me everytime I walk by), Ebo's room (company coming Tuesday nite), get new/used bookshelves from director's (from work) house (better take some Advil), put my clean clothes away(UGH!!!), start seedlings(remember to water), and let's see........oh yeah, send MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS(me bad)!!!!! I'll give you an update.....maybe!!!!!

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