Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Journal of Twinhood-Morning Sickness!!!!

With all the duties of moving into a new house, morning sickness moved in too!! I was about 8 weeks pregos, when I found myself running to visit the porcelain potty often. Anything would set me off....a smell, looking at food, watching people eat on TV......brushing my teeth!!! At 9 weeks, I couldn't even keep water down. A call to my OB was in order!!! My doctor wanted to see me and run some tests. He concluded that I was dehydrated and since I couldn't keep anything down, home IV intervention was scheduled.

Barry and I arrived home and upon walking into the house, the new house smell and the just newly developed line of plug-ins with country garden scent, hit me. Bear was trying to help me get my winter coat off and I was trying to get the bathroom door open cuz we both knew that the outcome was not going to be good!!! As I sat by my new best friend, porcelain potty, I cried. Gawd, I felt horrible. Made my way up to my bed and crashed. The home care team arrived that evening to get me all hooked up. I was restricted to my bed and bathroom. No going up and down the stairs with this contraption!!!

The nurses visited daily and I became very good at changing my IV bag making sure there were no air bubbles in the line. At each visit, the nurses would listen to my stomach for a heartbeat and also for bowel sounds.....I know....ick!! Finally, on night two, the nurse said, "I am getting good bowel sounds....YIPEE!!! And a faint heartbeat!!!" Really???? On the night on day three, they came and removed my IV. The first thing I asked for was a Stromboli from Brothers Pizza. I ate the whole thing. And kept it DOWN!!!

I learned quickly that sour helps reverse the gagging!! So every morning after gagging my way through brushing my teeth, a brightly, unwrapped JOLLY RANCHER waited for me. My dentist would have shook his finger at me but HEY, it worked. I always had JOLLY RANCHERS with me....they became my next, new best friend. I will admit....I still have a hard time popping one into my mouth.

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