Sunday, September 28, 2008

Not Me!! Monday

I so enjoyed doing the NOT ME post that I have decided to add it to my BLOG. I have been following this blog and check it several times a day. I just love MckMama's story-telling and her kiddos are just so precious!!!

I did not eat a WHOLE chocolate egg with a caramel and crunchy center this afternoon!!!

I did not go to a movie and eat a small popcorn, a bag of peanut m&m's and drink a regular diet coke. I think the diet coke canceled out the m&m's!!

I did not take any naps this weekend!!

I did not buy ANY diet coke with lime at QT and I most certainly did not inhale a custard filled chocolate frosted Krispy Kreme doughnut either!!


Weeksie50 said...

Did you choke on your popcorn when the tears started? I bawled like a baby..

Gayle said...

My husband puts the Peanut M&M's right in the bag of popcorn! Glad you didn't do that either!