Thursday, September 04, 2008


I sit here wondering where have the last 14 years gone. In 10 days, the twins will turn 14!!

It was June 17, 1994 in Uniontown, PA, that Barry and I sat waiting for our ultrasound appointment. We had no idea what we were about to learn. All I knew is that I really had to pee!!! My doctor wanted to have an ultrasound done since I was measuring BIGGER than what I should be at 4 months. He said we probably just calculated wrong or you are just having a linebacker. Ouch! I thought, how am I going to get a watermelon out something the size of a lemon? So, sitting there, bladder full, wearing a lovely gown that tied in the back, listening to the tick tock of the clock, waiting for my name to be called, thought do I want to find out if it is a boy or a girl.

The tech came out of her dark, little room and asked us to come on in. I took my spot on the somewhat soft table/bed. A little nervous and wishing that this procedure would go by quickly so I could go pee!! It didn't help that it was a little chilly in that dark, little room.

The tech, I can't remember her name, started asking questions. "How old are you? How many weeks? Why are you here today? Gee, I don't know....maybe something to do with this bulging belly that looks like an alien could pop out of it at any moment."

"This is going to be a little cold," as she squeezed gel onto my belly. Barry was to my left and the tech, who was using her magic taser thingy to spread the gel around, was to my right. I could see the monitor and as she moved the thingy around this is what I SAW......

I DOUBLE blinked to focus again because I couldn't believe what I had just seen!!! The tech says, "Ah, let me zoom out." And did she zoom out!!! On the monitor were two, TWO little beings dancing around. One was kicking the other. In the picture, Baby B's (Spencer) head has a foot resting on it. Cross your eyes and you probably can see it. The tech said, "Oh, there are two membranes in here. Did you know that?" HELLO!!! The word TWO, two babies....OMG, I have to get two watermelons out!!! The tears started!!! Happiness, shock, anxiety, needing to pee like a race horse, LABOR, OMG, LABOR!!! I turn and look at Barry, who has this deer in headlight look, is swaying back and forth mumbling, "Double stroller, two car seats, two highchairs, dollar signs in his eyes.

The tech hands me a box of tissues and said, "I'll give you a few minutes. I need to go tell my supervisor that this will take a bit longer since I have to measure two instead of one baby!! Oh, great!! There goes any chance of going pee anytime soon!!!

So, Barry and I were just speechless. I lie there looking at Barry and he looking at me. Then we started laughing. TWINS!! Who knew!!!

The tech returns and starts her process of measuring and taking shots of Baby A. She would take the taser thingy and press it into my belly and bladder. She finally finished with Baby A.

"Can I please go pee just a little?" I pleaded!! She said, "Just a little bit." Thank you, thank you!!!

I returned and she started on Baby B (Spencer). "Do you want to know the sex of the babies?" I looked at Barry and we agreed that knowing the sex wouldn't be any more of a surprise than finding out that we were having twins!!!!

"Baby A is definitely a BOY!!! Baby B is being a bit shy but from this angle, she is now pressing on my bladder, looks to be a BOY as well. But on your next ultrasound, we will check again." WHAT? Next ultrasound!!! This took two hours and the whole time all I could think about is peeing!!! And the babies will be bigger and it will take longer to measure....OMG!! I will explode!!!

As she was printing out the shots of the boys, I waddled into the bathroom and never, never in my life, been so happy to perch myself upon the john!!!

I dressed, grabbed the pictures, scheduled my next ultrasound and headed for the car. Barry and I looked at each other, took a deep breath and just sat there. It was starting to sink in!!! TWINS!!! TWO of everything!!! Diapers, bottles, onesies, burp clothes, blankets, CRIBS!!!

By the time we got home, it had set in and we were on CLOUD NINE!! We couldn't wait to tell friends and family. OMG, family!! Ok, we are going home in a few weeks, we'll break the news then. But all our friends and neighbors in PA were so excited for us and just couldn't believe it!!!


Less Bark. More Wag. said...

AAAAAck! What a GREAT story! You are a great story-teller. Keep 'em coming!

Eileen said...

LOVE this blog... what an exciting time. You are an awesome lady, your kids are lucky and blessed to have you as their mom!!! Love ya, friend...