Friday, November 14, 2008

Not really meaning "GOODBYE"

(Heavy sigh....)Today has held a lot of emotions for me. Today was my last day as a Media Assistant at NE TCC. I will be starting, Monday morning, my new job as an Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Teaching and Learning at the TCC Trinity River Campus. And I am so PUMPED!!! I can't wait to join the great team that is already in place but to also be a part of getting this campus ready for Fall 2009 opening.

Although, I am so excited for this new adventure, I am also very sad to leave my NE family. I have learned so much from all of them. Everyone, in the Media Department, is dear to my heart!! We have laughed, cried, complained, joked, ate and ate, laughed some more, dropped the phone upon answering it, wrestled with the copier, said some not so nice things to the fax machine, spilled coffee or diet coke with lime, decorated our office for the holidays, shared birthday milestones, grilled out in the summer (which can't happen anymore cuz the grill was stolen), rearranged a cubby's work area while they were away from their desk, had each other's back when an issue would pop up.........the list could go on and on!!!

I will miss hearing Crabby, Abster, Abs, Debbie, and Gabby. I will miss announcing in the mornings, "I AM HERE!!" Saying "MORNING" all week til Friday arrived and then would say, "GOOD MORNING!!"

Monday will be quiet in Media. I just might have to call and be put on speaker phone and say, "You can't get rid of me that easily. I AM HERE but at TRC!!!"

I will also miss the friends I have made. There are many!!! And all are SPECIAL to me. I hope those friendships continue. But I also know from moving from state to state that some of those friendships start to fade. That is why saying or meaning "GOODBYE" can be a real bummer. One must make an effort, though, to continue that friendship. And that is WHAT I fully intend to DO!!!


Eileen said...

You better! Some sample pics in your email.

Less Bark. More Wag. said...

I feel like a baby bird who's finally big enough to fly on her own! Thanks for the flying lessons, chica! Come back and visit the nest, we miss you already.