Sunday, August 17, 2008

Scanning Away

I recently read an article online that told a story of how years and years, heck, decades of photos were destroyed by fire, water, or just time. Just GONE!!!

When the twins were born, the NICU let us use their Polaroid to capture those special moments. After years of the them in the "Gotta get these into albums" I made a trip to Target and had them scanned. Phew! Safe since Polaroids shouldn't be cut and yellow after time. But after reading this article, I am starting ANOTHER project.

For Christmas last year, Santa brought me a photo printer. Yes, Santa ROCKS!! It is also a scanner.

There is no way to replace those photos once they are destroyed but why not NOW scan them, save to CD or flash drive and be safe? We are now a TECHY generation and someday when my kiddos want to see where they came from, what Uncle and Auntie looked like when they got married, they can!!!

Yes, A BIG PROJECT but in the long kiddos will have both.....picture albums and a back up, JUST IN CASE!!! I just hope that they will appreciate them as much as I do, MEMORIES!!!!

If you haven't already guessed who that sweet, adorable, kissable, little girl is, it is ME!! Taken in Belgium!! Goodness, I was so dern cute!!! Yes, I know, Cindy Lu-Who style hair!!!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Aww, you were cute! Great idea about the photos!