Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Doggy Daycare!!

Having dogs is just like having kiddos. They must eat, sleep, play and of course go duty. Having dogs is also like having a daycare. Breakfast, outside time, lining up for a drink out of the water fountain...er, water bowl, sharing toys, getting treats for good behavior, dinner and plenty-o-naps!! There isn't any back talk, no grounding when they bark too much. Having dogs is just like having kiddos, you love them with all your heart!!

Ruger-aka: The Bruiser!!

Shadow-aka: The Loyal One!

Dakota-aka: The One That Barks At Airplanes!

Hank-aka: The Tank!!

And Gus-aka: The Bus!!

1 comment:

Eileen said...

Two new doggies?