Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wacky Wednesday

It is definitely springtime in Texas. April showers bring May flowers, as they say!! Well, maybe it should be Texas lightning bring nervous parents at baseball games!!! With the rolling of thunder, pitches are pitched, bats are swung and outs are thrown but when lightning lights up the sky, METAL bleachers become empty and players run for the dugout. METAL dugouts.....not good. So they run for their cars. Coaches say don't leave, wait 15 minutes in cars. Half way to car, coaches yell game canceled. Wave see ya tomorrow at practice then. Coaches yell, "Got your baseball bag?"(which is still hanging in METAL dugout). Run back to METAL dugout while fighting the crowd who are exiting the park. Wait, where is Sawyer? Scan the crowd, spot him and yell, "You going with me or dad?" "DAD!" is the answer. Ebo and I bolt(no pun intended) for the van. Spencer?, right, he went with friend to church night. Lots of lightning and thunder but no rain.....Dakota dog thinks it is the fourth of July. The sky opens an hour later.....and why did we run the sprinklers this morning? Only in Texas, I say!!!

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